Tuesday 28 August 2012

How Can I Buy Gold Bullion?—Some Practical Tips worth Considering

If you are considering an investment in gold bullion the first time around, you might find yourself eventually misled into making the wrong choices. Considering that investing in precious metals would involve substantial pumping of funds, the choices must be well evaluated ones. Some concrete investment advice could come in handy here.

How Can I Buy Gold?—Some Workable Tips

•    To begin with, ensure you are well versed with the prevailing rates of gold. You need to know the precis value per gram or ounce in US Dollars.
•    Once the rates are known, choose a trusted and recognized mint or specialist gold dealer you wish to do business with. Discussing options with existing gold investors could offer some great options worth considering.
•    When you buy gold bullion bars, buy the largest sizes you can possibly afford. This is because, the larger the size, the more actual gold you are likely to receive for the price. But larger bars would limit your investment options because you wouldn’t be able to sell it off in fragments. Consider your priorities before you actually buy. Buying larger bars can also have storage and security problems. Smaller ones can be easily stored and protected.
•    Always pick bars that fit comfortably in your budget and provide the slimmest margins.

Buying a gold bullion or Silver American Eagle may take you some time. Make sure you base your purchase solely on your needs and investment goals.

Monday 9 July 2012

Purchase Gold Bullion – The Timeless Safe Investment

The worse the economy gets, the better it is for gold. The situation in Greece, the falling Euro, the shaky US dollar, and the menace of impending global recession, all point out to just one counsel – purchase gold bullion.
But some argue is this right?

Even though gold has been wildly popular through the ages, is it wise to stack this glittering metal in your portfolio?

Dissuaders have been vehement in their argument that gold does not make sense. It does not provide cash flow, no dividends, and no earnings, they say.

Nonetheless, do not fall for this argument.

When the wealthy speculators and the governments the world over are rushing to stock up gold in a wild frenzy, they are certainly not chumps – they know what they are doing.

So, what makes gold bullion such a great investment?

Here are some compelling arguments.

Gold is stable

For the past 200 years gold has retained its purchasing power, but you cannot say the same of the US dollar. Just look what $10 could get you a few decades back and what it can now. An ounce of gold, on the other hand, purchases the same today as it did 100 years back.

Gold is independent

Gold is free from the influences of states, currencies, and politics. It retains its value.

Gold has remarkable liquidity

It is traded across the globe 24 hours a day, and this simply means gold is an international currency.

Now the question comes, what sort of gold should you buy?

You have four possibilities. Futures, exchange traded funds (ETFs), stocks, and bullion.

The prices of futures swing wildly, stocks can crash, and ETFs have enough volatility to make you lose your sleep.

Whether you purchase gold bullion coins, it does not matter.

Gold has been there as an investment for more than 5000 years. When there are no other alternatives, gold is there.

Friday 22 June 2012

How to Spot a Reliable Gold Bullions Dealer?

Though investing in gold bullions is a smart investment decision, it’s important to buy bullion from a reputable dealer. It’s true that there seem to be more ways to buy gold today – in fact, it’s even possible to buy gold bullion online. Just because there are more venues to buy gold doesn’t mean that these are the most effective buying options.

The bottom line is that when it comes to purchasing precious metals, you need to make sure that the dealer is reliable. Counterfeit bullion does exist – these are usually gold bars that have a coating of gold but contain other metals like tungsten inside. Buying from a reliable dealer can help avoid these kinds of scams and ensure you get the best quality gold.

What to Look for

When researching different dealers for gold bullions, check if they are a national bullion broker and if they are registered with the Better Business Bureau. If they are, ensure they have a good rating. Many scam dealers will claim to have a physical address, but it may not really exist. Many sure the dealer has a physical address and visit the office as well. This is important for two reasons. First, it shows you that the company is real. Second, it gives you an opportunity to see how safe the premises are.

Safe and Secure

A good gold dealer will always keep the client’s safety in mind. These dealers will have a locked door policy on their premises, which means that they will keep the doors locked until they are ready to receive the client in the viewing room. These dealers will also be based in a safe location, with a private room option for those who would like more privacy during their transaction.

Buying gold bullions isn’t just about the bullion – it’s also important to work with a trustworthy dealer to ensure the transaction is legal and that the gold you get is authentic.

Friday 1 June 2012

Where To Find Best Gold Bars At Cheapest Prices?

Gold Bars And Coins

The charm of shiny, yellow gold is eternal. It has charmed men and women in different ways. While women love to adorn gold jewelry, men see it is as an investment. Out of the two forms, jewelry is available at every second shop on the street, but where to find gold bars? Not all gold jewelry dealers deal in gold bars. Investment gold bars are tough to find, and it is tougher if you are adamant on getting the best price.

When one intends to buy gold bullion coins, the person is definitely looking at maximum return on investment. However, the terms gold prices and cheap, do not go hand-in-hand. The maximum you can do is, to find a comparatively low price. This requires lots of research and time. A few places where you can find gold bars are as follows.

Where To Find Genuine Gold Bars

·        Banks: Banks are the most trustworthy source of buying gold and silver. Credibility is the biggest benefit of going to a bank to buy gold bars or coins. The prices are usually high, but you can be totally relieved and tension free.

·       Mints: If you can get it from a mint, nothing like it. The mints are controlled by the Government and the quality of the gold bar is assured.

·        Jewelers: Some selected jewelers also deal in buying and selling of gold bars. If you want to buy from a jeweler, be sure that the dealer is reliable and trustworthy.

·        Online Jewelry Store: Online stores sometimes offer excellent bargains on gold and silver buys. However, researching about the genuineness and reliability of an online store is quite a tedious task. Buy online, only if you very sure about the credibility of the dealer brand.
Where to find gold bars is not a difficult question. Getting the best quality at right price is more difficult. Don’t miss out on seasonal discounts when gold rates are low. Grab the opportunities and make an investment.

Friday 25 May 2012

How Can I Buy Gold: No More A Matter Of Concern

Thinking how can I buy gold? The question is typical of first time gold buyers. Well it is pretty easy to buy gold if you want to buy jewelry. The form of gold you want to buy can be figured by the reason of purchase. Are you buying it for investment purpose or you wish to gift jewelry to a friend? Jewelry can be bought from any well known jewelry brands. When the purpose of your purchase is purely investment, you may look at other forms of gold.

  Choose What Form To Buy

how can i buy gold

Best way to invest in gold is to purchase gold bullion. Decide which form of gold bullion you want to buy - coins or bars. Gold coins are the most easily available form of gold in the market. Most of big jewelry brands sell gold coins. When buying coins consider its size, weight, gold content and fineness.

Gold bars can be purchased from banks, mints, jewelers, online jewelry stores or during auctions. Only a few jewelers and online stores deal in buying and selling of gold bars. Anyways, they are not very credible sources either, so it is always better to buy from banks or mints. When making such a huge investment, quality assurance makes a big difference.

What Price to Buy At?

Another important aspect to look at while answering, 'how can I buy gold?' is the price. First thing you should do before buying gold bullion is to find out what is the current market price for gold. Do not make a purchase if the gold bullion is being offered to you at the price higher than that. Rather, try and negotiate the price a bit.

Essentially keep the purchase receipts safely and do not be forgetful about the delivery date. And next time someone asks you 'how can I buy gold ?’ pass on the information. 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Buying Gold And Silver And Selling Them

If buying gold and silver is in your mind right now, you’re at the right place. Since 2008, the years have been kind enough for investors in these precious metals. If you’ve bought gold or silver a few years back and want to sell them now, you’re in for a great profit.

Tricks of the trade

buying gold and silver

            Buying gold and silver
When you buy gold and silver, it’s hard to say that in the long term, say 20 to 30 years from now, what the price may be. But looking at the trend, we can say it’ll fetch you good money, as the prices usually rise over time. During recession, gold and silver proved to be one of the most reliable forms of investment.

Now, when things are beginning to improve, your investment shows signs of bringing you good luck. But before you start running from pillar to post trying to find a good dealer in precious metals, log                                 online. You will find some amazing deals waiting for you on the internet.

Online trade

One of the advantages of selling gold bullion online is that you get the best rates of the market. For the dealers, buying gold and silver is a daily task, so they are experts in evaluating your metal and giving you the deserved price for it. Such dealers don’t just buy gold or silver. They buy vintage and modern pieces of jewelry, watches, diamonds, sterling silver, silverware, tea sets, and more.

gold bullion onlineThe credible dealers boast of A+ rating at the Better Business Bureau. They even keep private buying rooms for bigger transactions and to let their customers feel safe with their precious metals. You must forget the local jewelry shops and choose such dealers. You can either call them or visit the store. If buying gold and silver was a pleasant experience to you, selling them should also be an experience to remember in a positive way.